[OPEN_COUNTRY] inception_5b-output - Topic 15 (SD3-Medium)

Golf Courses and Landscaped Terrains

The topic centers on golf courses and other landscaped areas, with an emphasis on carefully designed, manicured environments that blend with surrounding natural landscapes.

GPT4 Title + Reason

LDA Text Feature
Feature Weight
rural areas 0.043
elevated but not steep terrain 0.032
snow-capped peaks 0.028
steep surrounding terrain 0.025
elevated terrain 0.02
height taller than surrounding vegetation 0.02
mountain snowy 0.019
reduction of vegetation 0.019
sloping sides 0.017
width relative to surrounding landscape 0.017
contrast with surrounding landscape 0.017
surrounded by hills 0.015
irrigation lines 0.015
isolated areas 0.015
valley 0.015
land 0.015
golf course 0.015
lacelike 0.014
mountain 0.014
vegetation gradation 0.012
ridges 0.012
surrounding trees 0.011
rocky surrounding terrain 0.011
mountain pass 0.011
clouds 0.011
open, flat terrain 0.011
elevated height compared to surrounding vegetation 0.011
clouds or mist around 0.011
linear formation 0.01
ski slope 0.009